domingo, 7 de junio de 2009
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
the future with Ana Botella

Un sueño cumplido: mi firmita en la Georgetown University, where mi maridou habló en su maravilloso inglé....
Ana Botella ya está en Madrid, Murcia, Cuenca, Cádiz y Washington DC.
Si quieres sumarte, avísanos y te enviamos el KIT completo para que seas una ANA B. total!
(Dreaming and signing up in the Geortown University, my husband is able to speak english realy good; i am all over the world)
He vuelto a nacer. El futuro está asegurado. Ana B. vivirá por siempre
miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009
viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009
E.F. Higgins III / Doo Da Post
" It was another Screwy Thing, that you might have overheard in a Bar or from TV, late at
night, when you are half awake, except I recognized the Voice, & it was Neither. What She had said was: "Look, ... It's right here on the Map, next to the Mayonnaise....".
It had been a pretty good night, as well as I could remember. We had got some Roofing Jobs
up Boulder Canyon, after we got fired as Surveyors, & after 10 hours of work, came back into Town, hit the Bars & etc. I think that was Friday. Bob Petree & Crazy Harry used to like Platt Valley Corn Whiskey, w/ the melted Red Wax Top. I got into it a bit there for a while, but mostly drank Beer. Friday's always a mess, but usally we get home in one piece, or most of them.
Harry tried to Wrestle a Moving VW Van, & thee Van Won. Ha. Had a Big White Cast on most of the upper right part of him w/ his arm out to the side, like he had his hand on the top of a short girl, that was his friend, & didn't take offence. Harry was built like a Fire Plug & good at Roofing. Petree came from the Great Midwest, & would tell people that he was 1/4 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 something else, & 1/2 Ornery. All his teeth were Rotted down to little brown tiny Shark Teeth, that he got Beautifully Capped later when he went to work for the University. Crazy Billy, (tho I don't remember when we started calling him that, but recollection serves
It was probably when Crazy Harry was around too, & that's more Crazy People you want to be in a room with, but as we were usually up on Roofs, & you gotta be Crazy to be a roofer, It worked well) looked like Wild Bill Cody. I had some Roofing jobs w/ him in Michigan, & he was a Hustler. He had Bright Blue Eyes, Tall, Ruddy English Complexion, & the gift of gab. He was fun to hit the Bars w/ cause he could always come up w/ something. He had a Glee-ful Laugh, & was a Fearless ex Marine.
Where we lived was on a small hill almost right against the FlatIrons, those Abrupt Pointy Mts. in Boulder Colorado. A Friend of mine, Dave & I had come out from the MidWest & found this old building w/out any windows that squatters were camping in. Anyway, we moved in later, & fixed it up. Dave was a good friend from High School, & had a degree in Biology & later went on to work for the Parks Service. The Trouble started when I went to Paris for the Summer, & with out knowing them, Got one of those Crazy Roofers in there, (Just for the Summer). Ha.
When I got back, the windows were out again, Dave was gone, & got me some Roofer Roomates.Ha!
As Paul Harvey used to say, "Now You Know The Rest of The Story!". Except I forgot to mention the Girls, as we would call Broads back then. Ha. Sorry. Anyway, Crazy Billie would usually end up with some Beautiful Babe, Harry & who ever he was with that night would be passed out some where, Dave I hear married a Nice Gal, has a bunch of kids, & still works for the Parks Service, & Petree is doing good .
Being an Artist, but also in the Trades, I would end up with a mixed batch, or Variety of different types of women, depending where we met, etc.
On that Sunday Morning, there didn't seem to be anybody home except me. The Sun was
Shiney, & after looking at the Beer we had put in the Milk Containers, cause we had to take back the KEG, poured me a Plastic Glass full, & went out & sat in the Front Yard.
I sat on one of the Old Bench Type car seats, put my feet up on the 3 foot empty wooden
Spool, they use to wrap Huge strands of some kind of wire around, & admired the Rocky Mountains.
I had put on Johnny Cashs "Monday Morning Coming Down", & God seemed to be in His
Heavens, & all was right w/ the World. Ha. After several more Plastic Glasses, making the short journey, maybe 14 feet from the Fridg, to the Front Yard, I was Amazed nobody Broke any Windows, the Piano seemed to still Work ( as well as it ever had) , & there seemed to be the normal odds & ends of this sort of what I had gotten used to, in this sort of Lifestile. I would say to you Youngers, Don't Take up Whiskey. Ha. There was Snow on the Peaks & the Air was Brisk. Monday was Miles Away; somewhere in the afternoon, & pleanty of Beer still in the cartons, for some reason, perhaps to take a Dump, or some such Important thing, I don't remember if we had a Phone, walked around to somewhere. The Place had indoor Plumbing, but still retained the Old Out House in the Back Yard. Ha. Mostly filled up w/ Crap... Ha!, no, mostly old broken Wood & the Little Shed next to It. I don't remember if I had a Job on Monday. If you've ever been some where, where you are used to being there, & all the stuff of that, most things are Expected. Maybe some new something turns up, & you remember, oh yea,... that's so & so's something... everything is mostly expected.
I'm not the best Cook in the world, but learned some good receipes from my Mom & Dad.
One of theese is ...."...Salad Sandwiches...". I like Mayo.
Buster Cleveland, a good Artist Friend of mine, God Rest his Soul, Used to do Art w/ Mayo
Se Dung, not sure if I got the spelling right on that, but they were Nice... This, of which I am
talking about, is the Spreadable Kind. I Like HELLMANS, known, west of thee Rockies as Best Foods.
So, anyway to make a long story short, I was looking at some of the Left-Over empty containers, on one of those 14 foot trips to the Kitchen or the Front Yard, & noticed some Other Stuff, that somebody had put in the Freezer. There was my old jar, with new stuff in it, that wasn't Beer, but didn't think anything of it at the time. Lots of Really Strange stuff gets put in the Frezzer when you live w/ Roofers.
My Curiousity got the best of me later in the Afternoon, & went & got some Beer & the old
Mayonnaise Jar from the Fridg. It was still Pleasant, but cooling off a bit. The neighboors got
home w/ their kids & said "Hi", used to our shenanigans by now, & not upset seeing me out there at that time of day. I Looked at the Jar, & some sort of thing Paper was in there. It haden't been washed, but I could clearly see what ever it was, wasn't Mayonnaise. Ha.
Before the rest of the Idiots came back, I was able to Leasurely, w/ a couple more Beers
take it out of the Jar & see what it was. Ha.
Guess What? It Looked like a Map. It Was Hand Drawn, & had a pecuilar similiarity to how I
write, or I guess in this instance, Draw. Yoikes! It looked like I had done it, but don't remember drawing it. The Best I could make of it at the time, was it looked like a bunch of Squiggles, w/ maybe some landmarks, undefined on the little Folded thing. I Looked at it Again & Again, not making heads or tails of it. Somewhat Perflexing... I set it down on the Spool, went in & got another Beer, thinking whats this all about.
A while later, I Un-Folded it . On the other side seemed to be some BluePrint w/ HUGE Red
Writings. Wow. Thinking I'm so stupid, for not seeing this the first time, I made out her Name. It was Irene, & now I kinda remember. I had met her at the Bar on Pearl St. , or maybe in the Bar at the Basement of the Hotel Boulderado, where I used to drink Scotch, & go to the IHOP at 4:oo am. She was Beautiful, & wondered how she ever ended up w/ me. Ha. I didn't know her Long enough to recognize her handwriting, (been w/ me a while, so I figured that part out) But I did Recognize the LipStick Color. Wow. I guess I was trying to Explain to Her something Stupidly Drunk about Something, & Had this Broucheure, so that's what we wrote on, & I think we had a wonderful night, but she wrote on the back, where the BluePrints were, in LipStick, "I love You.", & just now see apparently the Brouchere Blueprint on the Other Side, was about Hanging Doors, that maybe I got from one of my Carpenter Friends."
night, when you are half awake, except I recognized the Voice, & it was Neither. What She had said was: "Look, ... It's right here on the Map, next to the Mayonnaise....".
It had been a pretty good night, as well as I could remember. We had got some Roofing Jobs
up Boulder Canyon, after we got fired as Surveyors, & after 10 hours of work, came back into Town, hit the Bars & etc. I think that was Friday. Bob Petree & Crazy Harry used to like Platt Valley Corn Whiskey, w/ the melted Red Wax Top. I got into it a bit there for a while, but mostly drank Beer. Friday's always a mess, but usally we get home in one piece, or most of them.
Harry tried to Wrestle a Moving VW Van, & thee Van Won. Ha. Had a Big White Cast on most of the upper right part of him w/ his arm out to the side, like he had his hand on the top of a short girl, that was his friend, & didn't take offence. Harry was built like a Fire Plug & good at Roofing. Petree came from the Great Midwest, & would tell people that he was 1/4 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 something else, & 1/2 Ornery. All his teeth were Rotted down to little brown tiny Shark Teeth, that he got Beautifully Capped later when he went to work for the University. Crazy Billy, (tho I don't remember when we started calling him that, but recollection serves
It was probably when Crazy Harry was around too, & that's more Crazy People you want to be in a room with, but as we were usually up on Roofs, & you gotta be Crazy to be a roofer, It worked well) looked like Wild Bill Cody. I had some Roofing jobs w/ him in Michigan, & he was a Hustler. He had Bright Blue Eyes, Tall, Ruddy English Complexion, & the gift of gab. He was fun to hit the Bars w/ cause he could always come up w/ something. He had a Glee-ful Laugh, & was a Fearless ex Marine.
Where we lived was on a small hill almost right against the FlatIrons, those Abrupt Pointy Mts. in Boulder Colorado. A Friend of mine, Dave & I had come out from the MidWest & found this old building w/out any windows that squatters were camping in. Anyway, we moved in later, & fixed it up. Dave was a good friend from High School, & had a degree in Biology & later went on to work for the Parks Service. The Trouble started when I went to Paris for the Summer, & with out knowing them, Got one of those Crazy Roofers in there, (Just for the Summer). Ha.
When I got back, the windows were out again, Dave was gone, & got me some Roofer Roomates.Ha!
As Paul Harvey used to say, "Now You Know The Rest of The Story!". Except I forgot to mention the Girls, as we would call Broads back then. Ha. Sorry. Anyway, Crazy Billie would usually end up with some Beautiful Babe, Harry & who ever he was with that night would be passed out some where, Dave I hear married a Nice Gal, has a bunch of kids, & still works for the Parks Service, & Petree is doing good .
Being an Artist, but also in the Trades, I would end up with a mixed batch, or Variety of different types of women, depending where we met, etc.
On that Sunday Morning, there didn't seem to be anybody home except me. The Sun was
Shiney, & after looking at the Beer we had put in the Milk Containers, cause we had to take back the KEG, poured me a Plastic Glass full, & went out & sat in the Front Yard.
I sat on one of the Old Bench Type car seats, put my feet up on the 3 foot empty wooden
Spool, they use to wrap Huge strands of some kind of wire around, & admired the Rocky Mountains.
I had put on Johnny Cashs "Monday Morning Coming Down", & God seemed to be in His
Heavens, & all was right w/ the World. Ha. After several more Plastic Glasses, making the short journey, maybe 14 feet from the Fridg, to the Front Yard, I was Amazed nobody Broke any Windows, the Piano seemed to still Work ( as well as it ever had) , & there seemed to be the normal odds & ends of this sort of what I had gotten used to, in this sort of Lifestile. I would say to you Youngers, Don't Take up Whiskey. Ha. There was Snow on the Peaks & the Air was Brisk. Monday was Miles Away; somewhere in the afternoon, & pleanty of Beer still in the cartons, for some reason, perhaps to take a Dump, or some such Important thing, I don't remember if we had a Phone, walked around to somewhere. The Place had indoor Plumbing, but still retained the Old Out House in the Back Yard. Ha. Mostly filled up w/ Crap... Ha!, no, mostly old broken Wood & the Little Shed next to It. I don't remember if I had a Job on Monday. If you've ever been some where, where you are used to being there, & all the stuff of that, most things are Expected. Maybe some new something turns up, & you remember, oh yea,... that's so & so's something... everything is mostly expected.
I'm not the best Cook in the world, but learned some good receipes from my Mom & Dad.
One of theese is ...."...Salad Sandwiches...". I like Mayo.
Buster Cleveland, a good Artist Friend of mine, God Rest his Soul, Used to do Art w/ Mayo
Se Dung, not sure if I got the spelling right on that, but they were Nice... This, of which I am
talking about, is the Spreadable Kind. I Like HELLMANS, known, west of thee Rockies as Best Foods.
So, anyway to make a long story short, I was looking at some of the Left-Over empty containers, on one of those 14 foot trips to the Kitchen or the Front Yard, & noticed some Other Stuff, that somebody had put in the Freezer. There was my old jar, with new stuff in it, that wasn't Beer, but didn't think anything of it at the time. Lots of Really Strange stuff gets put in the Frezzer when you live w/ Roofers.
My Curiousity got the best of me later in the Afternoon, & went & got some Beer & the old
Mayonnaise Jar from the Fridg. It was still Pleasant, but cooling off a bit. The neighboors got
home w/ their kids & said "Hi", used to our shenanigans by now, & not upset seeing me out there at that time of day. I Looked at the Jar, & some sort of thing Paper was in there. It haden't been washed, but I could clearly see what ever it was, wasn't Mayonnaise. Ha.
Before the rest of the Idiots came back, I was able to Leasurely, w/ a couple more Beers
take it out of the Jar & see what it was. Ha.
Guess What? It Looked like a Map. It Was Hand Drawn, & had a pecuilar similiarity to how I
write, or I guess in this instance, Draw. Yoikes! It looked like I had done it, but don't remember drawing it. The Best I could make of it at the time, was it looked like a bunch of Squiggles, w/ maybe some landmarks, undefined on the little Folded thing. I Looked at it Again & Again, not making heads or tails of it. Somewhat Perflexing... I set it down on the Spool, went in & got another Beer, thinking whats this all about.
A while later, I Un-Folded it . On the other side seemed to be some BluePrint w/ HUGE Red
Writings. Wow. Thinking I'm so stupid, for not seeing this the first time, I made out her Name. It was Irene, & now I kinda remember. I had met her at the Bar on Pearl St. , or maybe in the Bar at the Basement of the Hotel Boulderado, where I used to drink Scotch, & go to the IHOP at 4:oo am. She was Beautiful, & wondered how she ever ended up w/ me. Ha. I didn't know her Long enough to recognize her handwriting, (been w/ me a while, so I figured that part out) But I did Recognize the LipStick Color. Wow. I guess I was trying to Explain to Her something Stupidly Drunk about Something, & Had this Broucheure, so that's what we wrote on, & I think we had a wonderful night, but she wrote on the back, where the BluePrints were, in LipStick, "I love You.", & just now see apparently the Brouchere Blueprint on the Other Side, was about Hanging Doors, that maybe I got from one of my Carpenter Friends."
"I have been writing about music for over thirty years, so your mysterious door in the forest immediately triggered some connections to famous record covers. If you close your eyes, music is like a voyage into an unknown land, so my idea of an utopian land "at the end of the earth" is that of a flace full of wonderful and imaginative sounds."

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009
the future is behind this door

Now it's your place, you have to describe us with words, images, sounds, pictures, photos... whatever you need to tell us what is behind this door!!!Quickly, the future is waiting for you!!! Of course you can invite everybody to join to this project
P.D. Thank you to join us, and we are waiting for your answer. If you can't, don't worry and thank you for your attetion
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